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Operating systems and Computing

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Microsoft Windows, XP, Vista and Windows 7

As the most popular OS around it's only appropriate we dedicate a forum to Microsoft Windows. Topics here should include help, tweaks, and troubleshooting.
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Linux, FreeBSD, and Unix Flavors

The popularity of the unix system built by AT&T in 1969 is still the basis for current operating systems. Post about Linux, kernels, FreeBSD, and other topic in this forum.
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Apple Mac and OS X

For all Apple Mac family computers like the iMac, iPad, and MacBooks discussions. Topics include OS X help, software assistance, and Mac network setup instructions.
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Miscellaneous Computer Talk

For all computing posts not related to the other topics please post here.
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Computer Protection and Security Alerts

Protect yourself from computer viruses. Advisories and alerts of new security breaches will be posted here.
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