CyberXtreme: Hacking and Warez

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Programming, Coding, and Languages

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PHP Development

For PHP classes, functions, and development discussions we ask you post here. PHP is the #1 used web language and is easy to use. Its strength is it's simplicity.
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C/C++/Obj-C Programming

A forum for the entire family of C/C++/Obj-C coding. Gain help on compiling, objects, classes, and functions.
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Java Language, JVM, and the JRE

Write once and run anywhere. That's Java. This is the forum for Sun's popular language. Java is one of the best OOP languages available today. Learn more here.
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Batch ,Shell, Dos and Command Line Interpreters

For any hacker the base of their coding should be CLI. The knowledge of the command line is crucial to being a legit hacker.
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